In a few hours Yuki will come to visit me. No, it's more I should teach her how to sew a cosplay. So she'll come to me with fabric and her sewing machine and I'll have to help her doing a pattern. I wonder what we will get in the end, I don't even know which Cos we're going to do o.Ò
Snow is back *___* It's really snowing a lot this Winter. I hope we'll get the Chance to take a few Pictures in the Snow... (Would be so cool to have more Cosplays so we could take photos of them all, like this we'll have to wait till next winter for snow photos..) But well, I think it's going to snow a few times more this winter, since it started this early.
Oh, And I had to realize New Years Eve is tomorrow. I thought I would have a few days more... Up to now, nothing is planned. so I'll have to sit at home alone and feel bored...
Mittwoch, 30. Dezember 2009
Montag, 28. Dezember 2009
On goes the fight against the Kimono XD
Wow, I'm nearly done with Kikyos Kimono... Only the Collar and the Seams at the bottom are missing. But I'll work on them tomorrow, for today I'm done. While watching "Angels and Demons" I'll try to understand how to do the Collar (the instruction is turbid, suddenly there are things mentioned I never read about before, and it's in english x.x).
Of course I took a few photos.
Of course I took a few photos.
(I look really fat in this x.x Perhaps I should take away a few Centimeters at the back seams, since I didn't make french seams, what I read is what's normally done...)
And well, it's not very motivating when you work on something for three days and then someone comes saying "Oh, I do such a thing in 3 or 4 hours"... *stares at one certain person*
Oh, and I found a very special landscape. On my bed XD The forest of pins. And in the background you can see the fabric mountains. (Pictures are very bad, my mobile seems to hate me..) (Yes, I'm sewing on my bed. And Yes, I'm using my bed as a large pincushion XD )
Samstag, 26. Dezember 2009
Christmas and Sewing
Well, I finally started with my Kikyo Cos yesterday. I have to say: the pattern of a Kimono is very simple - but it's very tiring doing straight seams exactly 1cm away from the edge x.x However, I won't give up. I want to do as much as possible till work starts, cause when work hast started I won't do much, I know it. And I talked to Asta a few minutes ago, she said probably she and Thym will be on a Iaido seminar while the next Chisaii (and they're not even registered for the Chisaii, so probability for them coming in there is little). When I'll have to go to the Chisaii alone I don't want to go as Lavi, binding myself doesn't work (and I'l feel lonely without my Allen und Kanda q.q). So I'll have to be done with Kikyo till then.
Until now I'm done with cutting the fabric and doing the back and side seams (okay, did this yesterday...). Today I cut the fabric for the sleeves, sewed them together and attached the first one to the bodypart (I'm ill, so I slept most of the day). And when I'm done with blogging I'll neat the open edges of the sleeve and underarm-opening. Let's see how far I'll get till my mother sends me to bed XD Pictures will be taken tomorrow, when both sleeves are attached.
Now to the Christmas part... I didn't really had some kind of Christmas feeling on most of Christmas Eve... Dinner gave me more a feeling of New Years Eve, cause we've done raclette on that day for years. But when we sat beneath the Christmas tree it was nearly like in the past. I got a totally cute T-shirt *__* Pictures follow when I've taken some (tomorrow?). Oh, and not to forget the Christmas greetings for my blog. Taking the picture was easy. But working on it was hard, the program didn't want to do as I wished. But I'm content with the result.
Yesterday I was im my room cutting fabric, pinning the parts together and sewing most of the day. I can't remember doing something else o.Ò
Today I should've went to my uncles birthday party with my father and siblings. And how should it be different, I'm ill. So I had to stay at home. Let's see the positive things in life, I had more time for sewing...
Until now I'm done with cutting the fabric and doing the back and side seams (okay, did this yesterday...). Today I cut the fabric for the sleeves, sewed them together and attached the first one to the bodypart (I'm ill, so I slept most of the day). And when I'm done with blogging I'll neat the open edges of the sleeve and underarm-opening. Let's see how far I'll get till my mother sends me to bed XD Pictures will be taken tomorrow, when both sleeves are attached.
Now to the Christmas part... I didn't really had some kind of Christmas feeling on most of Christmas Eve... Dinner gave me more a feeling of New Years Eve, cause we've done raclette on that day for years. But when we sat beneath the Christmas tree it was nearly like in the past. I got a totally cute T-shirt *__* Pictures follow when I've taken some (tomorrow?). Oh, and not to forget the Christmas greetings for my blog. Taking the picture was easy. But working on it was hard, the program didn't want to do as I wished. But I'm content with the result.
Yesterday I was im my room cutting fabric, pinning the parts together and sewing most of the day. I can't remember doing something else o.Ò
Today I should've went to my uncles birthday party with my father and siblings. And how should it be different, I'm ill. So I had to stay at home. Let's see the positive things in life, I had more time for sewing...
Donnerstag, 24. Dezember 2009
Mittwoch, 23. Dezember 2009
Shortly before Christmas
Snow is still here *__* And it's only a bit more than an hour till Christmas. So we'll have white Christmas *___* I hoped for it, but didn't thought it would really happen. Perhaps it's snowing again tonight, we had big gray clouds this evening.
Not so good is that our dishwasher decided on dying - exactly the day before Christmas, so it won't get fixed the next days -.- washing up over Christmas, nothing I wanted...
With my dragons, well, I need someone to help me transfer the Autumn eggs fro my sisters scroll onto my own. They're ready to hatch soon but I have to influence them before... And someone nice promised me two Yulebucks, from Yule x CB Winter08. I love this Idea, and I think Winters are the only real partners for Yules. Besides I'm waiting for the Christmas Dragons09 to be handled out. I wonder what they will look like. Only 30hours to wait.
And with my Pokes I had luck on Sunday. I thought I would have no luck this time again, but on the last day of the event I got an eggie. And I think it's the best of the whole Event. A cute little Winter Vulpix
and I love how it looks *___* Well, it's an egg right now, but I hope on hatching it before going to sleep.
And I sewed a bit the last days. First one was a muff on Saturday. I noticed I had to be on the Christmas Market on Monday and in the cold I did'nt want to stay there without gloves, but with gloves handling money is a bit difficult. So well, I needed a muff. It's kind of crooked, but its cute and warm.
Second was a blanket for our dog. My mom came to me yesterday and said the dog is cold, so I shall sew him a blanket. With it being short before Christmas and mom having chaircovers looking like christmas caps, I decided on a red blanket with white trim. He looks really cute in it. And he seems to like it (he didn't try on putting it off by himself).
Tomorrow I want to start sewing a new skirt. And I hope I'll make it to start working on Kikyo till the weekend...
Well then my dears, I'll go to bed soon, have to be well rested tomorrow ; P
Not so good is that our dishwasher decided on dying - exactly the day before Christmas, so it won't get fixed the next days -.- washing up over Christmas, nothing I wanted...
With my dragons, well, I need someone to help me transfer the Autumn eggs fro my sisters scroll onto my own. They're ready to hatch soon but I have to influence them before... And someone nice promised me two Yulebucks, from Yule x CB Winter08. I love this Idea, and I think Winters are the only real partners for Yules. Besides I'm waiting for the Christmas Dragons09 to be handled out. I wonder what they will look like. Only 30hours to wait.
And with my Pokes I had luck on Sunday. I thought I would have no luck this time again, but on the last day of the event I got an eggie. And I think it's the best of the whole Event. A cute little Winter Vulpix
And I sewed a bit the last days. First one was a muff on Saturday. I noticed I had to be on the Christmas Market on Monday and in the cold I did'nt want to stay there without gloves, but with gloves handling money is a bit difficult. So well, I needed a muff. It's kind of crooked, but its cute and warm.
Tomorrow I want to start sewing a new skirt. And I hope I'll make it to start working on Kikyo till the weekend...
Well then my dears, I'll go to bed soon, have to be well rested tomorrow ; P
Sonntag, 20. Dezember 2009
Snow *___*
Yes, it had snown here. Shortly before Christmas! I hope Snow stays till Christmas…
And yes, of course I had to take a few pictures. But lack of a good Camera they are very crappy... Only acceptable are those two:
(I'll try on making better ones the next days.)
And yes, of course I had to take a few pictures. But lack of a good Camera they are very crappy... Only acceptable are those two:
Sonntag, 6. Dezember 2009
St. Nicholas Day Ice Skating
Well, now I'm ill x.x
Was a bit ill on Friday evening, so I worried about having to cancel the meeting with Asta and Thym. But Sunday morning it was a lot better, only ab bit of sore throat left. So I went on cleaning up my room.
In the evening I went to the ice rink. I worried about being late, cause I was there around 7:05 p.m. - and then I waited out there in the cold for Asta and Thym to arrive. Short before eight I decided on going ice-skating cause I had enough from waiting. Round 8:30 those two arrived - Thym was a bit confused about the time of the meeting they had before. But well, after they were there we had fun.
Thym falls face foreward when she slips on ice XD It looks kinda cute.
The night was short for me, I can't sleep well when Thym lies next to me snoring... But i think from now on I'll rather sleep in a bed with Asta than with Thym - Asta uses much less space in bed XD
Today those two slept really long - I lay awake for hours. I hate not being able to sleep with other persons in a room. when we finally stood up we ate breakfast - at midday XD
And as I said, now I'm ill. Being ill plus ice-skating while wearing clothes not warm enough (even if I didn't froze I think it was to cold for my body) plus far too less sleep makes one ill. So I hope I'll sleep early today... But well, it was worth it!
Was a bit ill on Friday evening, so I worried about having to cancel the meeting with Asta and Thym. But Sunday morning it was a lot better, only ab bit of sore throat left. So I went on cleaning up my room.
In the evening I went to the ice rink. I worried about being late, cause I was there around 7:05 p.m. - and then I waited out there in the cold for Asta and Thym to arrive. Short before eight I decided on going ice-skating cause I had enough from waiting. Round 8:30 those two arrived - Thym was a bit confused about the time of the meeting they had before. But well, after they were there we had fun.
Thym falls face foreward when she slips on ice XD It looks kinda cute.
The night was short for me, I can't sleep well when Thym lies next to me snoring... But i think from now on I'll rather sleep in a bed with Asta than with Thym - Asta uses much less space in bed XD
Today those two slept really long - I lay awake for hours. I hate not being able to sleep with other persons in a room. when we finally stood up we ate breakfast - at midday XD
And as I said, now I'm ill. Being ill plus ice-skating while wearing clothes not warm enough (even if I didn't froze I think it was to cold for my body) plus far too less sleep makes one ill. So I hope I'll sleep early today... But well, it was worth it!
Mittwoch, 2. Dezember 2009
Winter is coming
Seems I’m too lazy atm for writing more than two entries a week…
On Saturday and Sunday I cleaned up my room a bit – but really a bit. I put my fabric in the boxes and my Lavi-Cos was stored in a box too q.q Then I sorted my manga in the shelf. And that it was… The space between bed and couch remained untouched, it’s as messy as ever.
Sunday Evening was fucking. Bad news, dad crying, mum crying, sis crying… I hate such things. My parents say I should talk about this, swallowing the problems isn’t healthy – but to whom shall I talk? I’m not yet allowed to talk about it to my friends -.-
Monday Morning Iooked horrible , the usual lilac rings under my eyes plus lots of little red dots round the eyes. And I was tired, didn’t sleep very well…
At the Christmas Market it was cold and boring. Not much people there and even less who wanted to buy something.. And it was cold x.x We had an oven in the booth, but well. Directly in front of it it was way to hot to stand there, and the rest of the booth was icecold. And none of my friends was there to visit me… But at least I was able to buy the postcards for Jesamine, guda and jaspis, and I got two kinds of wrapping paper for my fabric boxes.
At home I did my “press f5 and switch to next register”-round, and when I got back on GPX there was the little man. Clicked it thinking it was to late but last thing dieing is hope – and hope took it’s chance, I now have a Missingno-egg *__* Monday seems to be my lucky day on there, got my last Event egg on Monday too (Regigigas last week). Later I had a talk with Sopal. Seva said it was our new record, we talked from around 8:15p.m. till after 11:00p.m… And I was so tired after it x.x Sopal manages every time to make me tired, however she does.. Seva never makes it, with her I’m awake till lete in the night. I think me being awake at halloween till long after midnight was only because I was long time over the dead point.
On Tuesday I froze my ass off while cycling to work… And babysitting was over lot earlier, Steffi came home at 9:00p.m. o.Ò Had the advantage I called Sarah and then we talked via ICQ. Cause my mother has a great timing – hadn’t called Sarah for more than a week, and after a minute talking my mobile ringed and my mother wanted something from me..
And I recieved a new postcard^^ It was send by Betty1996 from Italy.
Today it was cold. Winter is coming… I was lucky not having to cycle to work… it meant a lot of stress in the afternoon, but at least it wasn’t as cold as it would have been with my bike..
I took fotos, the sky was clear and blue. And everything was covered with little crystals *___*

Now I’ll try on hatching my Stunky egg and then I’m going to bed, I’m tired…
On Saturday and Sunday I cleaned up my room a bit – but really a bit. I put my fabric in the boxes and my Lavi-Cos was stored in a box too q.q Then I sorted my manga in the shelf. And that it was… The space between bed and couch remained untouched, it’s as messy as ever.
Sunday Evening was fucking. Bad news, dad crying, mum crying, sis crying… I hate such things. My parents say I should talk about this, swallowing the problems isn’t healthy – but to whom shall I talk? I’m not yet allowed to talk about it to my friends -.-
Monday Morning Iooked horrible , the usual lilac rings under my eyes plus lots of little red dots round the eyes. And I was tired, didn’t sleep very well…
At the Christmas Market it was cold and boring. Not much people there and even less who wanted to buy something.. And it was cold x.x We had an oven in the booth, but well. Directly in front of it it was way to hot to stand there, and the rest of the booth was icecold. And none of my friends was there to visit me… But at least I was able to buy the postcards for Jesamine, guda and jaspis, and I got two kinds of wrapping paper for my fabric boxes.
On Tuesday I froze my ass off while cycling to work… And babysitting was over lot earlier, Steffi came home at 9:00p.m. o.Ò Had the advantage I called Sarah and then we talked via ICQ. Cause my mother has a great timing – hadn’t called Sarah for more than a week, and after a minute talking my mobile ringed and my mother wanted something from me..
And I recieved a new postcard^^ It was send by Betty1996 from Italy.
Today it was cold. Winter is coming… I was lucky not having to cycle to work… it meant a lot of stress in the afternoon, but at least it wasn’t as cold as it would have been with my bike..
I took fotos, the sky was clear and blue. And everything was covered with little crystals *___*
Now I’ll try on hatching my Stunky egg and then I’m going to bed, I’m tired…
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