On Saturday and Sunday I cleaned up my room a bit – but really a bit. I put my fabric in the boxes and my Lavi-Cos was stored in a box too q.q Then I sorted my manga in the shelf. And that it was… The space between bed and couch remained untouched, it’s as messy as ever.
Sunday Evening was fucking. Bad news, dad crying, mum crying, sis crying… I hate such things. My parents say I should talk about this, swallowing the problems isn’t healthy – but to whom shall I talk? I’m not yet allowed to talk about it to my friends -.-
Monday Morning Iooked horrible , the usual lilac rings under my eyes plus lots of little red dots round the eyes. And I was tired, didn’t sleep very well…
At the Christmas Market it was cold and boring. Not much people there and even less who wanted to buy something.. And it was cold x.x We had an oven in the booth, but well. Directly in front of it it was way to hot to stand there, and the rest of the booth was icecold. And none of my friends was there to visit me… But at least I was able to buy the postcards for Jesamine, guda and jaspis, and I got two kinds of wrapping paper for my fabric boxes.
On Tuesday I froze my ass off while cycling to work… And babysitting was over lot earlier, Steffi came home at 9:00p.m. o.Ò Had the advantage I called Sarah and then we talked via ICQ. Cause my mother has a great timing – hadn’t called Sarah for more than a week, and after a minute talking my mobile ringed and my mother wanted something from me..
And I recieved a new postcard^^ It was send by Betty1996 from Italy.
Today it was cold. Winter is coming… I was lucky not having to cycle to work… it meant a lot of stress in the afternoon, but at least it wasn’t as cold as it would have been with my bike..
I took fotos, the sky was clear and blue. And everything was covered with little crystals *___*
Now I’ll try on hatching my Stunky egg and then I’m going to bed, I’m tired…
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