Not so good is that our dishwasher decided on dying - exactly the day before Christmas, so it won't get fixed the next days -.- washing up over Christmas, nothing I wanted...
With my dragons, well, I need someone to help me transfer the Autumn eggs fro my sisters scroll onto my own. They're ready to hatch soon but I have to influence them before... And someone nice promised me two Yulebucks, from Yule x CB Winter08. I love this Idea, and I think Winters are the only real partners for Yules. Besides I'm waiting for the Christmas Dragons09 to be handled out. I wonder what they will look like. Only 30hours to wait.
And with my Pokes I had luck on Sunday. I thought I would have no luck this time again, but on the last day of the event I got an eggie. And I think it's the best of the whole Event. A cute little Winter Vulpix
And I sewed a bit the last days. First one was a muff on Saturday. I noticed I had to be on the Christmas Market on Monday and in the cold I did'nt want to stay there without gloves, but with gloves handling money is a bit difficult. So well, I needed a muff. It's kind of crooked, but its cute and warm.
Tomorrow I want to start sewing a new skirt. And I hope I'll make it to start working on Kikyo till the weekend...
Well then my dears, I'll go to bed soon, have to be well rested tomorrow ; P
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