Mittwoch, 23. Dezember 2009

Shortly before Christmas

Snow is still here *__* And it's only a bit more than an hour till Christmas. So we'll have white Christmas *___* I hoped for it, but didn't thought it would really happen. Perhaps it's snowing again tonight, we had big gray clouds this evening.

Not so good is that our dishwasher decided on dying - exactly the day before Christmas, so it won't get fixed the next days -.- washing up over Christmas, nothing I wanted...

With my dragons, well, I need someone to help me transfer the Autumn eggs fro my sisters scroll onto my own. They're ready to hatch soon but I have to influence them before... And someone nice promised me two Yulebucks, from Yule x CB Winter08. I love this Idea, and I think Winters are the only real partners for Yules. Besides I'm waiting for the Christmas Dragons09 to be handled out. I wonder what they will look like. Only 30hours to wait.
And with my Pokes I had luck on Sunday. I thought I would have no luck this time again, but on the last day of the event I got an eggie. And I think it's the best of the whole Event. A cute little Winter Vulpix and I love how it looks *___* Well, it's an egg right now, but I hope on hatching it before going to sleep.

And I sewed a bit the last days. First one was a muff on Saturday. I noticed I had to be on the Christmas Market on Monday and in the cold I did'nt want to stay there without gloves, but with gloves handling money is a bit difficult. So well, I needed a muff. It's kind of crooked, but its cute and warm. Second was a blanket for our dog. My mom came to me yesterday and said the dog is cold, so I shall sew him a blanket. With it being short before Christmas and mom having chaircovers looking like christmas caps, I decided on a red blanket with white trim. He looks really cute in it. And he seems to like it (he didn't try on putting it off by himself).

Tomorrow I want to start sewing a new skirt. And I hope I'll make it to start working on Kikyo till the weekend...

Well then my dears, I'll go to bed soon, have to be well rested tomorrow ; P

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